
It’s the Chinese New Year/ Spring Festival!

Never have I ever celebrated the New Year twice in one year, but there is a first time for everything! Also, I am okay with it because I had a month off of work (can we bring this holiday to the U.S.??). The actual day of the Chinese New Year was February 8th this year. When they say that there are no people on the streets, they are telling the truth! A lot of people like to spend those days with family, like Christmas in America. I spent an hour looking for a place to eat dinner in Shanghai before settling on a Family Mart. It was only 9pm! It was better than nothing, but I was a little cranky (that is how hungry I was!). That being said, I did not have the best new year (because of some other reasons– everything seemed to be going wrong), but I made the most out of it.

During this break, I had the chance to travel. I did not go everywhere that I planned on going, but close enough. I was mainly looking for out-of-country flights because they are cheaper during the first week of the New Year, but I decided against it. Instead, I travelled to Hangzhou, Nanjing, Shanghai, Suzhou, and spent some time at my home in Qingtian. We did a lot, including boat rides, sitting on the slow train (my first time, but my roommate has done it before; I prefer a bed on the train), watching an acrobat/dance show, touring museums, interacting with locals and nonlocals, seeing the lanterns, and more! It was fun overall getting the chance to travel to these places because everyone does not get the opportunity to do so- not even some of the people living in China. So, you all get the chance to take a look:

He was holding hot water! I only wish I could show you what happened next!


The lights in Shanghai at Yuyuan Garden for the Festival


Suzhou- the water city


The lighted garden in Nanjing


By the way, 新年快乐 (Happy New Year)!

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